Who am I?

My name is Hassan, and I’m passionate about fitness and personal growth. I’ve been actively training for 8 months, and during this time, I’ve immersed myself in studying fitness principles and techniques. This dedication has allowed me to achieve significant results in a relatively short period.

I began my fitness journey for a straightforward reason: I wanted to get in shape and build confidence. Like many people, I was tired of feeling stuck and unmotivated. I knew that changing my body would also change my mindset, and I was determined not to let anything hold me back. My drive was fueled by the desire to break free from the limits I had placed on myself and to avoid feeling like I wasn’t living up to my potential.

Why I Became a Personal Trainer

The transformation I experienced sparked a new passion in me—helping others achieve the same. I realized that many people struggle with finding the right guidance to reach their fitness goals. You might think that TikTok or YouTube workouts can get you there, but nothing compares to having a tailored program designed specifically for your needs and goals.

That’s why I became a personal trainer. I’m here to provide you with a personalized approach that goes beyond generic advice. I don’t just copy and paste programs; I create customized plans that align with your unique goals and aspirations. Whether you’re looking to build strength, lose weight, or simply improve your overall fitness, I’m committed to helping you become the best version of yourself.



Book a free consulation by filling this form below. You get consultation within a call which you choose the date and time that suits you.

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Anyone trying to improve his lifestyle, get healthier, lose weight or gain muscle.

Absolutely not. 90% of our clients are regular people, fathers, mothers, who have regular jobs, and just want to improve their shape and health!


The diet is actually designed around YOUR own schedule! Every meal is placed around your day, including the workout times. Program should improve your life and not make it difficult! That’s why in the form we ask about your daily schedule in detail.

There is a very low chance of that happening, BUT if it does, not to worry! At the end of your 6th week you get a FREE consultation and UPDATE to your plan, that way we ensure that by the end of the 12 weeks you are satisfied!

Because the program is very detailed and fully customized, we do have a bit of a waiting list. Once the form is submitted, you will receive your plan within 2 - 4 days.

When you receive your program, you will also have a different email to send all your questions to at no extra cost, we got you covered and you’re in safe hands!

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